I love to ScreenCast…for both teaching and training, screencasting has become one of my best tools. Below is a quick example of a simple screencast…a little PowerPoint, a little Camtasia, and boom…a teachable moment…to post wherever I need it.

The above is a screencast of a PowerPoint presentation, I opened PowerPoint and used Camtasia 4 to record the screen as I spoke. After recording I produced the video as several diferent types of files, the one above is a .wmv. From there I uploaded the video to blip.tv and took the code that site generated and pasted into WordPress…that’s it.

A nice tutorial on how to do this is located on the freevlog site…very easy to follow screencasts for PC and Mac.

Camtasia – techsmith.com
blip.tv – blip.tv
Freevlog –freevlog.org

If you’d like some more information check out my NJLA Presentation or send me an email at librarysteve@yahoo.com

Enjoy, Steve
p.s. Thank You to Pete for the opportunity to post here